Cheat Injector for CS:GO - EZinjector
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
- Edited:
- Status: Undetected for 3 years
EZinjector is a time-tested injector for CS:GO games. One of its advantages is a simple and user-friendly interface! Therefore, even a novice in cheating can figure out how to inject cheats for cs go!
Launch Instructions:
Launching CS:GO.
Launching the Injector Reborn
- .
Example: OTC.dll
Ready! You can enjoy the game with cheats.
Errors and their solutions
- Error 0xc0000(error code here), errors msvcp140.dll , vcruntime140.dll and others
- Install the Visual C++ Redistributable Package for Visual Studio 2015 x86 (namely x86, regardless of your Windows OS bit depth)
• Didn't the solution above help?
If the VC++ installer swears at an already installed newer version of VC++
Solution: VC++ x86 Hybrid
Alternative: VC++ x64-32 Hybrid - EZinjector does not start (gives an error that the file is missing
on the device / the file is corrupted / it is impossible to run on your
device, contact the publisher)
- - Remove ALL antivirus programs and disable Windows Defender (DefenderControl)
- After you have completed the above point, download EZinjector Reborn again.